Library Policies

General Policies and Procedures

1.1.1          Book Selection Policy

The Board of Trustees of the Bloomfield Public Library recognizing the pluralistic nature of any community and the varied backgrounds and needs of all citizens regardless of race, creed, or political persuasion, declares as a matter of book selection policy that:


1.      Library material selection is and shall be vested in the Library Staff. Any library material so selected shall be held to be selected by the Board. The public is invited to make suggestions as to purchase of materials, and such suggestions will be honored so far as possible.


2.      Selection of material, etc., shall be made based on their value of interest, information and enlightenment of all people of the community. No material, etc., shall be excluded because of the race, nationality, political or social views of the author.


3.      This Bloomfield Public Library Boards believes that censorship is a purely individual matter and declares that while anyone is free to reject for him or herself materials which he or she does not approve of, he or she cannot exercise the right of censorship to restrict the freedom of others to read.

1.1.2          Cell Phone

For confidentiality purposes and to not disturb other patrons, patrons are encouraged to turn off their audible signals when they come into the building.  They are to move to the entryways to make or to take calls unless permission is granted from library staff.

1.1.3          Complaints

Complaints regarding staff will be handled by the Personnel Committee. Complaints on library materials will be handled according to the rules for intellectual freedom and submitted for review by the Board of Trustees

1.1.4          Computer Use

The Bloomfield Public Library (BPL) is dedicated to providing the people of our community with the means to acquire informational, educational, and enrichment opportunities reflecting all points of view from around the world.  Computers and internet access provides a powerful resource for meeting this goal.  To this end, BPL has made available to our patrons a number of public computers and internet access.  The Library believes that everyone has a right to access and use our computers and internet technology and adheres to the principles of intellectual freedom and the public’s right to know as outlined in the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights.    The internet is an unregulated worldwide network and does contain inaccurate, controversial, and materials that may be offensive and harmful to some users.  The provision of public accessibility and use of computers and wireless devices does not imply Library sponsorship or endorsement of any material. BPL is NOT responsible for the content accessed by those that use this service. 

Patron Use Instruction

Recognizing that some patrons may have little to no knowledge in the use of technology, BPL Staff will be happy to give a short introduction and basic operating assistance in the use of these devices and software programs when asked to do so.  However, it should be noted that BPL staff members are not experts in computer technology and have limited time to devote to aiding individual patrons on the use of this technology.


Eligibility and Use

Computers are available for public use during regular Library hours. 


Computer use is limited to two (2) hours per day. If a project is anticipated to take longer than 2 hours, please reserve a computer 24 hours in advance, if possible, or inform the staff when you arrive that you will need more than 2 hours of computer time. This should be done ONLY for school or work related projects.


Anyone may use a public access computer by showing a BPL card in good standing (no overdue materials or unpaid fines of over $3.00), have a signed Computer Agreement form on file and sign in at the Main Circulation desk on the main floor before logging into the computers or wireless internet.  If an individual does not have a library card, they may get a guest pass by showing a picture ID and signing the Computer Agreement Form at the Main Circulation desk.


The Library’s wireless internet service is not encrypted, and users should be aware that information sent or received could potentially be intercepted by another wireless user.


No more than 2 people will be allowed at a computer station at any time.


The Library will have paper available for a limited amount of printing and copying.  Black and white copies cost $0.25 per page, color is $0.50 per page, and photos are $1.00.


Downloading of external applications to the hard drive of the public access computers is NOT permitted.  Temporary saving of personal files to the hard drive is permitted while an individual is using that computer.


Small limited-data storage devices may be purchased at a minimal cost from the circulation desk for saving materials from the computers.  DO NOT save your information, projects, websites, etc. to the public computers where they could be accessed by other users. Information on the public computers is routinely wiped by the Library staff.


The Library will NOT be responsible for any erasure, damages to, or loss of patron devices while using the public computers and internet.

Any damage to library computers (microprocessor devices and their accompanying hardware, software and firmware) may be charged to the user. 

Children and Family

BPL respects the rights of parents to determine what information and materials their children may read, hear, and view.  Since each family may have different standards of what is appropriate/acceptable, BPL cannot be expected to supervise and enforce specific parental rules on computer use.   Therefore, Parents/Guardians of children under the age of 18 must assume the responsibility for their children’s use of the internet through the Library.


All children under the age of 18 must have a parental permission slip signed prior to using the computer.  This information will be kept on file until said person is no longer a minor or the parent/guardian elects to discontinue the permission. 


Children eight (8) and under must be in the immediate presence of a parent or other responsible caregiver over the age of 12 while using the adult public computers/tablets.


Children’s computers/tablets are available in the Junior Library area for children eight and under to use.  Parental supervision is advisable. The Library has databases, links, web pages and other on-line resources to help guide young children to find and use interesting, educational and appropriate sites.  Whenever possible, the Library staff will assist young patrons in accessing appropriate internet resources, but the best supervision and assistances comes from parental involvement.


Computer Etiquette

Please respect other patrons in the library and use headphones when accessing music, video, or other verbal material.  Ear buds are available at the circulation desk for $1.00 per pair.


Remember to log-out when done using the public computer.  This is not only a courtesy to others using that computer but protects the privacy of your online work.


Respect the privacy of others and do not attempt to view or comment on what other users are viewing.


Please be aware and respectful of the fact that you are in a public environment used by people of all ages.  If a staff member asks, stop viewing any sites that are creating a harmful or hostile environment for other library users.


Using the public access computers or wireless internet to hack into other computers or harass, libel, or slander others will not be tolerated and result in the loss of privileges and possible legal action.

The BPL will not tolerate any violation of any copyright laws (piracy/bootlegging) or accessing, viewing, printing or distributing obscenity or child pornography.   Anyone caught doing so, will be barred from the use of the public access computers and wireless internet for an indefinite period of time and face any applicable legal action.

Children’s Tablet Policy

The purpose of providing public internet access is to enable equitable opportunities for all individuals in the community to use online information services.

The following rules govern the use of the library tablets:

·        Patrons who have a library account in good standing may check out a tablet for use within the library.

·        By checking out a device the cardholder is assuming responsibility for lost, stolen or damaged equipment and understands the policies for its use.

·        Devices checked out within the library are not to be taken outside the library proper.

·        Devices must be returned to a staff member at the circulation desk and checked in before the patron leaves the  library. If a device is left on the counter and not checked in by library staff, the patron is responsible for the device and any damage or theft that may occur.

·        Tablets may be checked out for 30 minutes to one hour. If no one has requested it during that time the patron may use it until it’s needed by another patron. Tablets should be returned to the circulation desk fifteen minutes before the library closes.

·        No more than one person on a device at one time. The exceptions are a parent/guardian with their own child or a patron who has someone assisting them.

·        Devices left unattended or given to another person to use remain the responsibility of the borrower. The borrower will be held responsible for all applicable replacement costs and processing fees for the device and/or accessories if lost, stolen, or damaged. The library will not accept replacement devices or accessories purchased by the borrower. Failure to pay any amount will be considered an outstanding debt to the Bloomfield Public Library and will be added as a fee to the borrower’s library card. The patron will be barred from borrowing devices until the fee has been paid and may result in further loss or restrictions of library privileges.


BPL 3D Printing Policy


The Library’s 3-D printer may be used only for lawful purposes. The public will not be permitted to use the Library’s 3-D printer to create material (in-whole or in-part) that may be considered:

·        Prohibited by local, state or federal law. US Copyright Law governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material.

·        Unsafe, harmful, dangerous, or poses an immediate threat to the wellbeing of others and animals. (Such use may violate the terms of use of the manufacturer.)

·        Obscene or otherwise inappropriate for the library environment.

·        In violation of another’s intellectual property rights.

·        It is expressly prohibited

The Library reserves the right to refuse any 3-D print request including, but not limited to, violation of library policy, manufacturer terms, failure to pick up and pay for previous requested prints, etc. The project's 3D printer use application may be found at this link. Scheduled Library events involving the room where the printer is located takes priority over printer usage. The library reserves the right to schedule only 2 print jobs per week per person or entity.

Color options for PLA filament will be limited to available library stock. The maximum printed area must be smaller than 256 x 256 x 256 mm³ (WxDxH) and we will contact the patron with the estimated price.

Fees for 3-D printing are based on the quantity of filament used during the print process. Fees are based on the gram weight of the final product. A minimum charge of $2 will be required for each print up front. Additional fees of 10¢ per gram may be assessed for each print. A charge in the amount of the print’s cost will be added to the patron’s record for any unclaimed items.

Deposit fee: $5  (This will be returned to the patron once the item they printed is paid for. If the item is not picked up within two weeks, the deposit fee becomes nonrefundable.)

Items printed from the Library’s 3-D printer, which are not picked up and/or paid for within fourteen days of completion will become property of the library.

Cleaning or polishing of the final print is the responsibility of the patron. Library staff will not remove any helpers or shells printed to ensure the stability of the print during the printing process. Files will be printed as submitted by the patron, staff does not provide corrections or alterations.

All work and clean-up in the space must be completed no later than 15 minutes before the library closes. Equipment, programs, projects, etc. cannot be left running or suspended while the library is closed. No food will be allowed around the printer, beverages in covered containers only.

Use of this equipment complies with any and all other library policies, as applicable.

Only designated library staff will have hands-on access to the 3-D printer. OR Only designated library staff and trained patrons will have access to the 3-D printer. OR Patrons must design, scan, image, create or download their own models for use on the 3-D printer; library staff are available for assistance only. Use of the 3-D printer is at the discretion of the library staff. The library reserves the right to deny use of library equipment. Prints may be denied at the library director’s discretion.

The library does not guarantee a successful print. Unless the print fails to finish, the cost of the completed print, regardless of quality, will still be charged. If a print fails, it may be attempted only two more times.

Typically your model will be printed within 48 hours. However, long print queues and breakdowns do happen and therefore we cannot guarantee completion times.

Items must be picked up by the individual who printed them.

The library is not responsible for the subsequent safety of any item made with the 3-D printer.

Files must be in .stl file format. Files can be dropped off on a USB flash drive at the circulation desk.


1.1.5          Conduct in the Library Premises

All library users and employees should be free of any threat of harm, invasion of property, or gross indignity. In an effort to protect these rights for all persons, the Library Board has approved the following:

No person shall engage in any conduct that disturbs or interferes with the legitimate use of the Library, including, but not restricted to the following:

  1.       Willfully annoy, harass, or threaten another person.
  2.       Behave in a disorderly, loud, or boisterous manner.
  3.       Interfere with another person's passage within the Library or on Library grounds.
  4.       Consume or possess alcoholic beverages or use or possess controlled substances on Library grounds or be under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances in a manner that causes public disturbance.
  5.       Possess any firearm, knife, any device which could be used as a weapon or other weapon prohibited by City Ordinance or State Statues.
  6.       Deface or destroy Library property.
  7.       Use of tobacco in the Library.
  8.       Remain in the Library without authorization after regular closing hours.
  9.       Solicit funds or panhandle from Library patrons.
  10.   Interfere with others' use of the Library through poor bodily hygiene that is so offensive as to constitute a nuisance.
  11.   Use skates/skateboard on Library property.
  12.   Campaign, petition, interview, or survey patrons or staff in a manner that disruptive to Library activities.
  13.   Willfully expose patrons and staff to offensive images or language.
  14.   Engage in loud or lengthy conversation in areas intended for quiet study.
  15.   Interfere with the Library's ability to maintain a clean, pleasant and safe facility.

Enforcement of these rules for persons may take the form of any of the following actions, depending on the severity of the misconduct that will be determined by the staff on duty at the time. These disciplinary procedures are merely guidelines.  They are not listed in any particular order and there is no requirement that any particular disciplinary action precede any other action. The Library staff may choose to implement any of the procedures listed, including immediate banishment from the premises, at any time, depending on the seriousness of the violation.

  1. In the case of a minor disruption, the patron receives two warnings. At the third offense, the patron must leave the Library for the rest of the day.
  2.   In the case of any misconduct that, in the judgment of a staff member, is extreme, the offender may receive only one warning, be ordered to leave the building immediately, or the police may be called as appropriate.
  3. Patrons causing disruptions on repeated visits will be warned by the Director or designee that they will not be allowed to enter the building if the behavior continues. Patrons who engage in repeated disruptive behaviors that interfere with others' use of the Library, or who engage in behaviors that violate City Code or State Statutes, may be permanently banned from the Library premises by the Director. An appeal of the Library Director's decision may be made to the Library Board. An appeal to the Library Board must be in writing.
  4. Exceptions to the above may be authorized by the Library Director and/or her/his designee.


1.1.6          Donated Materials

The Bloomfield Public Library will accept gifts of books and other library materials on the condition that the use and disposal of these materials will be determined by the Library Staff and/or Board.


  1.     Materials which would be disposed of according to the Library's stated weeding policy will not be included in the Library's collection when they are received as gifts.
  2.    Materials which have been withdrawn from the Library's collection and sold to the public and then returned to the Library as a donation may be discarded without offering the book for sale a second time.
  3.     Materials which duplicated existing Library holdings will be included in the collection only when the current holdings are heavily used.

1.1.7          Expenses

The procedure for business expenses will be the same as cited in the City of Bloomfield Employee Handbook. Expenses are paid only for preapproved job related short courses and meetings.

1.1.8          Facsimile Policy

The primary purpose of the facsimile machine at the Bloomfield Public Library is to expedite movement of materials between the Library, other libraries and vendors as determined by the Library Staff.

The general public may have access to the machine, with assistance from a staff member, to transmit or receive materials with consideration of the following charges:

Transmission: $2.00 for the first page, $0.50 for each page thereafter

Receiving:       $.50 per page

In accordance with and pursuant to the Bloomfield Municipal Code, Section 2.37.050, paragraph "I", fees collected for the use of the facsimile machine shall be placed in Library Trust and Agency Account to be used to defray the expenses of the machine. Those expenses shall include maintenance contracts and any repair cost, telephone line charges over and above a one telephone line charge, long distance charges for fax transmissions, and cost of toner and paper.

1.1.9          Gifts

Gifts will be accepted for the inclusion into the library’s collection but must meet the same selection criteria as purchased materials.

1.1.10      Grievance Procedures

Grievance Procedure will be the same as cited in the City of Bloomfield Employee Handbook.  Public complaints will be handled by the Personnel Committee. Complaints on library materials will be handled according to the rules for intellectual freedom and submitted for review by the Board of Trustees

1.1.11      Health and Safety

The policy for the health and safety of employees will be the same as cited in the City of Bloomfield Employee Handbook.  In the event of an accident to a library patron, the head librarian shall report the event immediately to the insurance agent.

1.1.12    Honor Book Policy

Honor Books are books given to the Bloomfield Public Library to honor a living person. The Library's honor book policy will be the same as its memorial book policy except in the following areas:

1.         The bookplate placed in an honor book will state the name of the person being honored, the donor, and the occasion (e.g. birthday, anniversary, holiday) if any, of the gift. (See Appendix)

2.         The Library will inform the person being honored, by mail, of the gift in his/her honor.

1.1.13      Interlibrary Loan Materials

When the collection of the Bloomfield Public Library does not contain materials desired by a patron, the Library shall attempt to secure those materials for him or her through InterlibraryLoan.  There is now no charge for this service, as per State Library of Iowa guidelines.


Interlibrary loan request will be ordered within 3 working days. When the item(s) requested are received, the patron will be notified within 2 working days. If the item is not available, the patron will be notified within 2 working days. When materials are returned to us, they will be returned to the lending library in a timely manner.


The Bloomfield Public Library will loan materials through the Interlibrary Loan. All circulating material shall be available for this purpose. The loan period shall be 4 weeks.



1.1.14    Library of Things


The Library of Things (LOT) is a collection of tools, devices and various household items made available to Bloomfield Public Library (BPL) cardholders to maintain and improve their homes, gardens, and communities.   




1. Only residents of Davis County are eligible to borrow from the Library of Things (LOT). No more than 5 items may be borrowed at any one time.

2.  All Borrowers must be at least 18 years of age for all “things” except games, puzzles and children’s items.

3.  Borrowers must be a BPL cardholder in good standing.  Overdue books, items and other fines will affect eligibility.

4. Borrowers must register a user agreement on file with the Bloomfield Public Library prior to borrowing items. Registration will be complete upon verification of the borrower's address. Verification is accomplished by presenting the following:

a. Valid Bloomfield Public Library Card, current photo identification, and one of the following: current lease/rental agreement (with patron's name listed as tenant), or current tax bill (in patron's name), or utility bill (in patron's name) dated within the last 30 days.

b. Patrons who rent mailboxes must provide proof of residency in Davis County before being granted borrowing privileges at the Library of Things.

5. All items lent by the LOT are the property of the Bloomfield Public Library. Only the borrower is authorized to use the items. The borrower shall not permit the use of said items by any other person.

6. The Borrower agrees that the Bloomfield Public Library is not responsible for any manufacturing defects in quality of workmanship or materials inherent in any borrowed items.

7. The Borrower agrees that if any borrowed item becomes unsafe or in a state of disrepair, the borrower will immediately discontinue use of the item and return it to the LOT.

8. Before borrowing any tool or piece of equipment, the Borrower shall sign a form of WAIVER AND INDEMNIFICATION to be provided by the Library, which will be kept on file at the LOT. The borrower acknowledges that he or she is capable of using the item in a safe and proper manner, and that instruction in the proper use of items is available.

9. Loan periods for items is 2 weeks. The borrower agrees to return any borrowed item on or before the due date in the same condition, normal wear and tear excepted, as when it was borrowed. The borrower agrees to pay for the loss of or damage to any item on loan to him/her. The borrower further understands that fines will be levied for each item kept past the due date. Repeated failure to return tools on time may result in revocation of borrowing privileges. The BPL reserves the right to limit the number of  items borrowed and to alter the maximum loan period.

10. If the borrower wishes to renew the loan of an item(s), he or she may do so on the due date by contacting the LOT in person. Renewals must be done in person. If there is no one waiting to borrow the item, it may be borrowed for an additional loan period. The BPL reserves the right to refuse or limit renewals. Up to 2 consecutive renewals may be made, dependent upon the reserve status of the item.

11. If an item is not immediately available for loan, the borrower may make a reserve request to have the item when it becomes available. Reserve requests will be handled in the order received. If an item is available, the borrower may phone the BPL and have it set aside to be borrowed later the SAME DAY. If the borrower fails to come for the item as agreed, the BPL may lend the item to another borrower. Seasonal demands may affect availability. No items will be held beyond closing time. The Library retains the right to alter or suspend any of the above reserve policies.

12. When items are not returned by the designated due date, the BPL will levy a late fee of $1/day and issue an overdue notice. If the items are not returned after the notice has been sent, appropriate steps will be taken to retrieve them, including by collection agency and/or legal action.

13. The Library of Things reserves the right to refuse the loan of any item for failure to comply with any of the above rules and regulations, or for falsification of any information.

14.  BPL will try to have items readily available but cannot guarantee devices will be fully charged upon checkout.  This would drain our resources and affect the health of the batteries.

15. Before checking out things from the Library of Things, the patron must fill out a User Agreement and Supplemental Waiver. (See Appendix for sample.)

16. Donations will be accepted after consideration by the Library staff and Board of Trustees with the understanding that any items donated become the property of Bloomfield Public Library.

1.1.15      Library Property

Library property is to be used solely for the public purpose for which it is provided.

Improper use of library property will be subject to disciplinary action.

1.1.16      Loan Procedures

Bloomfield Public Library will loan books and materials upon presentation of a valid Public Library card.  Patrons wanting to use Open Access are required to fill out an application for a library card issued by the Bloomfield Public Library.  

The loan period for all library materials, except DVD's, shall be two (2) weeks. The loan period for DVDs is week. Patrons must be 18 or older to borrow compact discs and DVDs unless written parent/guardian consent is on file at the library (see Appendix for sample). Renewals may be made over the phone. DVDs may not be renewed.

Available Services

Davis Co. Resident

Open Access

Check out books, DVDs, CDs, magazines



Check out equipment



Internet access



Download audiobooks, ebooks, etc. via Libby



Access reference databases from home or offices



InterLibrary Loan




1.1.17      Lost or Damaged Materials

All Patrons are responsible for the safekeeping and condition of library materials checked out in their names.  Responsibility will be assumed as follows:

·         When a patron loses material that can be replaced, the patron will be charged the replacement cost of the material.

·         When material is so extensively damaged that it cannot be repaired in any way, the patron will be charged the replacement cost of the material.



1.1.18      Meeting Room Use Policy

·       ·        ELIGIBILITY

Responsible applicant must be at least 18 years of age or older. Applicant takes full responsibility for the use of the BPL facilities according to the Application Form.

Library events take priority in room use.

BPL rooms may be authorized for use by nonprofit community organizations whose purpose is to benefit the community, and other individuals or entities upon approval.  In the event of a conflict, non-profit organizations will take priority. All Applicants are subject to fees as specified in the next section. 

A minimum of 24 hours’ notice and maximum 3 months’ notice for an application is recommended. A 3-month reminder from BPL to renew the reservation is recommended but not required. The BPL will not remind you of your reservation. If your event is recorded as a “no show,” access to the facility may be limited in the future.

To make the facility available for the greatest number of individual users, no regular recurring meetings will be permitted. Exceptions may be made with Library Staff approval based upon availability. 

BPL reserves the right to cancel a reservation at any time for any reason by notifying the applicant. Severe weather or other local emergencies may necessitate immediate cancellation.



Non-profits may use the rooms at no cost. For-profit businesses will be assessed a fee of $25 per reservation. Any after-hours personal events (such as birthday parties) will be assessed a $25 fee. An additional $10 deposit may be required if the kitchen or $50 for AV equipment that will be used. No food or drinks are allowed in carpeted rooms unless approved by staff.  After the use of the BPL facilities during the business day, a BPL employee must inspect the premises.

If the policy is found to be broken in any way a 6 month suspension will be in effect for the group.

If any A/V equipment is needed, applicants must come in for instruction prior to room use.

All applicants must complete the application form and provide any requested identification.


As an example, if a Davis County resident owns a for-profit business and proposes to use the BPL for employee training during a BPL business day, then there would be no user fee.  However, if the same member proposes to use the BPL to make a sales presentation to potential customers or charge a fee for admission then the user fee is $50 for three (3) hours.

 Reservations are not considered set until this application form is signed, returned and fees are paid, if applicable, and the application is approved by BPL.



Tobacco or tobacco products and gambling are strictly prohibited on the premises.

Alcohol is prohibited on the premises. Possession or use of alcoholic beverages, illicit drugs, or any illegal substances is prohibited.  Persons under the influence thereof will not be allowed on the premises. Disorderly conduct, offensive or profane language, or acts of violence will not be permitted. Violations of any of the foregoing conditions will be the basis for refusal of use of these facilities.

Animals are prohibited except for service animals aiding the handicapped.

No decorations of any kind are to be attached to the walls, doors, door trim, windows or ceiling. No tape, tack pins or nails are allowed on the walls of the BPL. The use of candles is prohibited. All decorating and/or room set up time is to be included in event time on application

The maximum capacity of the Community Room is 45 and the Classroom is 29, with tables and chairs. The maximum capacity of the Conference Room is 9.

The meeting room must be vacated by 11:00p.m.

Applicant or any other party shall not conduct any unlawful business on the premises.

Parking is limited to on street parking.



Noise in the BPL shall be maintained at levels that allow surrounding business to proceed with normal activities.

The kitchen is for serving only, not for food preparation. Serving utensils not provided.

The BPL main entrance door works using an electronic key fob and the panic bar requires a key.The key access times will be set according to the set up and clean up times noted on your reservation form. The BPL fob and key is to be picked up by 4:30 p.m. the day prior to room use. Following the event, the fob and key shall be left in the key deposit box located inside the foyer near the lower entrance door. If a key is not returned, a charge will be assessed. All other doors will remain closed and locked. Premises are under surveillance.

If an event is taking place outside of regular library business hours, the main entrance doors are NOT to be propped open.  Propping doors open can potentially damage the doors and allow people into the building who are not part of scheduled events.

All cleanup (including the kitchen), vacuuming, sweeping and mopping shall take place immediately following use of the facilities. Trash must be removed. Clean trash bags should be placed in all waste receptacles.

The applicant shall turn off the lights and secure the doors upon vacating the premises. If there is any difficulty in doing so, please call Robert VonBon at 641-664-2741 or Anne Tews at 651-216-0792.

Applicant assumes all responsibility and risk for the care and supervision of children who may attend the event. Children shall remain inside the BPL during the event.

All rooms and equipment must be left in the condition as found. Any lost, damaged, or broken property must be paid for immediately. (Warning—remote controls for the projectors are extremely expensive.)  No AV equipment may leave the premises.

If a scheduled meeting is cancelled, BPL should be notified at once. Failure to do so may result in limited access to the facility in the future.

A coffee maker is available for use, but you must provide your own coffee.

At the conclusion of use, applicants will return all furniture and equipment to the places they were found.

The BPL shall not be responsible for providing safe walking conditions to and from the facility for any events taking place outside regular operating hours.  If sidewalk snow removal is required, it will be done by the responsible applicant or group using the facility.

Use of the BPL is at your own risk.  The BPL is not responsible for accidents.

BPL is not responsible for any articles or items left or misplaced after the use of the facility.


Any guidelines broken or abused will result in limited or denial of access.



1.1.19    Memorial or Gift Book Policy

The Bloomfield Public Library is greatly honored when a book or money for a book is given to the Library as a gift or memorial. The Library Board feels that these gifts that continue to give pleasure and enrichment to others for many years as they are used in the Library.

Gifts are vital to the establishment and growth of the library.  The Library retains unconditional ownership of any accepted gift.  Any gift considered by the Library for inclusion into the Library’s collection must meet the same selection criteria as purchased materials.  The Library Staff further reserves the right to decline gifts and to decide when a gift added to the collection will be withdrawn.

Donations may include library materials and monetary gifts.  Monetary gifts are extremely useful in supplementing the Library’s budget.  Gifts may be given to be used at the discretion of Library Administration for programs and services currently in greatest need or may be designated by the donor for specific purposes within the Library’s programming, collection and services criteria.  Gifts are tax-deductible but library staff may not set fair market or appraisal values for donated materials.  Receipts are available upon request.

Materials may be donated only in formats that are available in the library including but not limited to:  print books, unabridged audio books on CD, and DVDs.  Donations of magazine subscriptions, designated by the donor or the choice left up to the library staff, are also accepted.

Materials with the following conditions will not be accepted:

·         Moldy/musty, with strong odor, or water damaged

·         Dirty (greasy, food stained, insect infested, etc.)

·         Marked by pens, pencils, crayons or highlighters

·         Physically damaged (broken bindings, loose or torn pages, damaged covers, damaged cases)

SELECTION: All memorial books must meet the general selection criteria of the Library. The donor may purchase a book and then give it to the Library, or the donor may give the Library a sum of money which the Library can use to buy a book. The preferred method is for the Library to receive money, because discounts are available to libraries which are not available to individuals. Thus, memorial money will go further if the Library makes the purchase

Donors who will be giving books to the Library are requested to consult with the Staff/ Director before purchasing a book. This will insure that the gift does not duplicate existing holdings and is appropriate for Library's collection. 

When the Library purchases memorial books, two considerations will be made: 

1.      The Library will attempt to purchase books representative of the interest and character of the person being memorialized.

2.      The Library will attempt to purchase books of proven lasting value.

All memorial books will be clearly designated as memorials with a bookplate listing the memorialized person and the donor. Memorial books will be shelved in the standard order of the Library. Circulation procedures for memorial volumes will be the same as for other library books.

Memorial books will be subject to our general weeding practices if our Staff/Director feel that a book is shabby, soiled, damaged, out-dated, or otherwise unattractive.  The Staff/Director will then examine the discards to decide if they should be replaced at the Library's own expense.

The donor of a memorial book may request when the book is given that upon weeding it be returned to the donor. Such books will be marked with the symbol on bookplate to return it to the donor. If such a request is not made, the memorial book plate will be removed, and the book will be disposed of according to the Library's standard policy.



1.1.20      Memorial Procedures


It is preferred that donors talk to the librarian before making a purchase to avoid duplication. The librarian will search for materials in specific subject areas suggested by the donor.

1.     The library will order the materials and a separate invoice given to the donor upon request and when possible).  A designated memorial will be acknowledged within 30 working days and dispensed within 6 months of the receipt of the money. A record will show the amount of the memorial, when it was received and how the money was spent.

2.     The material will be processed with the appropriate memorial tag.

3.      Information about the book will be added to the file card and filed correctly in the memorial register.  (See memorial file procedure).

4.      The Library will send a note card (see Appendix for sample) to the family of the person memorialized notifying them of the books arrival.

1.1.21      Non-Resident Policy

Non-residents of the State of Iowa will be required to pay a yearly fee of $25.00 to be allowed to check out material. Rules for non-resident patrons will be the same as Bloomfield patrons

No staff member will check out material to a patron without absolute proof of their patron number. Either patron presents their library card, or a staffer WILL LOOK UP THEIR NUMBER.

Information is entered into the computer and saved on the system. Patrons will receive their card immediately after filling out application.

1.1.22    Overdue Materials

The Library shall determine procedures to reclaim overdue materials. The overdue schedule of printed and audiovisual material is as follows:

1.      There will be a five-day grace period on all library materials including DVDs.

2.      Fines on all library materials, excluding DVDs and the Library of Things items, shall be 10 cents per day. Because of the availability of the book drop for patron use, the fines shall include Sundays, holidays and other periods when the library is closed.  When figuring fine amounts for books returned via the book drop, an allowance shall be made on the last day the drop box was emptied.  The maximum charch shall be $5.00 if items are returned in good condition.

3.      Fines on DVD's and LOT items shall be $1.00 per day.

4.      If a member of a household has fines totaling $3.00 or more, the other people at the same residence will not be able to check out or use computers until the fines are paid.  In this case, the Library staff will be able to use discretion as needed.



1.1.23      Patron Registration

Upon filling out an application card, the Bloomfield Public Library will assign each patron a number. Items the patron checks out are recorded under their assigned number.  If it becomes necessary to identify the borrower, the name of the patron is obtained through the application card and the Library’s computer system. Only the Library will have access to the files and the name of a patron borrowing a book will be kept confidential.

In case of juvenile borrowers, there is a space for a parent or guardian's signature. A responsible adult must be present at the time of registration. Any registrant 14 years of age and under must have their application card signed and filled out before they can get a library card. Cards expire annually.

1.1.24    Patron Qualifications

A Residential Library card will be issued to Citizens of Davis County upon presentation of proper identification and completion of an application card.  Since we are an Open Access library, all residents of the State of Iowa are eligible for an Open Access card. Open Access cards have limited access to BPL materials. (see Appendix for access chart).

1.1.25    Proctoring Service


The Bloomfield Public Library provides test proctoring services at no charge to the student or testing institution.


Student Expectations:

·         Application must be submitted 3 days prior to the test date.

·         Approval for proctoring is dependent upon staffing and room availability.

·         Students must present a photo ID at the time of testing to verify their identity.

·         Students are responsible for contacting school or professors to provide tests or exams.

·         Instructors or students responsible for all arrangements and preparation.

·         Students must use a personal laptop or electronic device to administer online tests.

·         Students are responsible for incidental costs (i.e., printing, postage, faxing).


Library Staff Expectations:

·         Staff involvement is limited to the following:

o    Check student’s ID

o    Admit student to exam area

o    Issue exam

o    Periodically observe student as time allows

o    Sign proctor form

·         Specific staff will not be assigned to proctor exams.  Staff changes periodically, so exams may be started and returned to different staff

·         Library staff is unable to provide one-on-one assistance or observation.  If proctoring requires constant supervision, BPL will not be able to proctor the exam.

·         Staff will not sign the name of another staff member on a proctoring form or exam.  The library will not proctor an exam that requires one designated person.

·         BPL reserves the right to refuse proctoring an exam that is deemed too restrictive or demanding

·         Staff reserves the right to refuse using personal or identifiable information to administer an exam.

·         Staff may return completed exams electronically or by mail if postage and envelope are supplied by the student.

·         Exams must be completed within operating hours.

1.1.26      Patron’s Right to Service

The rights of an individual to use the Bloomfield Public Library shall not be denied or abridged because of age, sex, race, religion, national origins, or social or political views.

1.1.27      Personnel Files

The Library Director is responsible for maintaining a file containing employee addresses and other information. Annual evaluations of the Director are made by the Personnel Committee, which are to remain confidential with the board, and are to be in the possession of the President of the Board.  The Director is responsible for conducting the annual evaluations of the rest of the staff. 

1.1.28      Photocopying Policy

Photocopying will be allowed only for patrons desiring information from non-circulating materials such as reference works, genealogy materials, current periodicals and current newspapers. Patrons may also print from public computers. The following fees will apply:

                        Black and white--$.25 per page

                        2-sided--$.25 per page

                        Color page--$.50

                        Color picture--$1.00

These fees may change periodically, depending on cost.

1.1.29      Posters and Displays

The Bloomfield Public Library considers itself to be a promoter of the free exchange of ideas and opinions. The Library promotes this exchange largely through its collection of books and magazines, but the Library Board also believes that community displays and posters within the Library are an appropriate function. The following policy sets guidelines for displays and posters in the Library.

1.      Posters and displays must be of a reasonable size so that they can be accommodated to the limited space available in the Library.

2.      The Library Director will determine where a poster or display will be placed in the Library.

3.      No poster or display will be turned down for display in the Library simply because its message is controversial.  However, all posters and displays must be in good taste.  The Library Director will determine acceptability of all displays and posters. Persons or groups whose displays or posters have been turned down by the Director may appeal to the Library Board.

4.      Posters and displays which promote on-going commercial products and services will not be allowed in the Library.

5.      The Library reserves the right to remove any poster or display if the space it occupies is needed for other Library functions.

1.1.30      Public Relations

The Library Board recognizes that public relations entail more than a relationship with the press and, as such, the Board President and the Library Director will delegate public relations duties as they see fit. The objectives of public relations for the Bloomfield Public Library are:

·         To promote awareness and understanding of the Library and its roles and activities in the community.

·         To stimulate interest in, and facilitate use of, the Library

·         To encourage public participation in planning Library services

·         To build advocacy for the Library’s needs and the activities of the Friends of the Library

·         To inform state, national, and international library communities about the activities of the Bloomfield Public Library.

The Library will use a variety of media to meet these objectives.

1.1.31      Privacy of Library Records

Library Records and other Personally Identifiable Information are confidential in nature. No individual except authorized Library staff shall have access to Library Records other than his or her own without the individual’s consent, except as listed below. 


·         Library records may be subject to disclosure to officials pursuant to a process, subpoena or court order authorized pursuant to a federal, state, or local law relating to civil, criminal, administrative or legislative investigative power. Library staff will seek legal counsel from the City Attorney’s Office in the event of such a request for release of library records, and will respond to the request according to advice of counsel. 

·         The Library interprets possession of a card (or card number in a phone or email request) as consent to use it unless it has been reported lost or stolen, or there is reason to believe that consent has not been given. 

·         Library Records for long overdue checked out materials for which a bill has been sent may be revealed to parents of minor children, a collection agency, or law enforcement personnel. 

·         Illegal activity is not protected. The Library may review information when a violation of law or Library policy designed to protect facilities, network, and equipment is suspected. 

·         Contact information for displays and meetings reservations is provided by the user and considered public information. 

·         Persons attending library programs or public meetings may be recorded or photographed as an audience member after signing appropriate waiver.

·         Security cameras are installed in the Library to protect the safety and security of people, the building and its contents. Only authorized Library staff may view recordings. Library security camera recordings are public records, and may be viewed upon receipt of an open records or law enforcement request. Library security camera recordings will be shared with law enforcement as a part of investigating and prosecuting crimes committed in the Library. 

·         The Library will consider third-party vendor privacy policies when selecting digital collections and resources. The Library cannot guarantee the confidentiality of information sought or received, or materials consulted or borrowed from third-party digital services to which we provide access. When patrons use those resources, they are subject to the individual third-party terms and privacy policies. 

·         The Library may use circulation records while attempting to identify the most recent user of an item that had something left inside, or contained harmful or suspicious content.


1.1.32      Purchasing Procedures

The Library Director is the staff person authorized to make purchases on the library credit card unless that person grants this  right to another employee. The Library Director is authorized by the Board to purchase books and other items for the library collection and purchases for equipment with a $300 limit. All other purchases must be approved by the Board of Trustees.  Invoices are copied and filed for approval by the library board at the monthly meeting before being turned into the City for payment.


1.1.33    Reconsideration of Library Materials


The Library will seriously consider any library users complaint over Library materials according to the following:


·        The Library user will receive a copy of the form Reconsideration Form along with a copy of the Library's selection policy.


·        In order for the request to be considered, the Library user must fill out the above form completely and return it along with the material in question to the library director.


·        The Director will review the material and notify, in writing within 30 days, the Library user of his/her decision.


·        If the Library user questions the decision of the Director, he/she may meet with the Director to discuss the matter. If the Library user wishes to further discuss the matter with the Board of Trustees, the matter will be included on the agenda of the next regularly scheduled Board Meeting. The Board's decision on the material in question shall be final.


1.1.34      Sex Offenders on Library Property

The Iowa Code, section 692A.113, prohibits a registered sex offender, defined as a registered sex offender who has been convicted of a sex offense against a minor or a person required to register as a sex offender in another jurisdiction for an offense involving a minor, from the following:


·         Being present upon the real property of a public library without the written permission of the library administrator

·         Loiter within three hundred feet of the real property boundary of a public library

·         Operate, manage, be employed by, or act as a contractor or volunteer at a public or nonpublic elementary or secondary school, child care facility, or public library


Registered sex offenders may access library material by phone, email or by sending a person previously designated with the library administrator to pick up materials on their behalf. Registered sex offenders may also make a written request to the library administrator to come onto library property.  Access will be given or denied, also in written form, from the library administrator.  A LIBRARY CARD DOES NOT CONSTITUTE WRITTEN PERMISSION.  If access is denied, registered sex offenders may then make a written appeal to the Library Board of Trustees.


If a registered sex offender enters library property, library staff will call police.  To enable staff to identify offenders, the library will work with the Davis County Sheriff’s Office to keep an up-to-date list, with physical descriptions and photographs, of registered sex offenders residing within Davis County.

1.1.35    Theft of Library Materials


Staff are directed to follow the procedures outlined in the Iowa Code 808.12 (below)


808.12 Detention and search in theft of library materials and shoplifting. 1. Persons concealing property as set forth in section 711.3B or 714.5, may be detained and searched by a peace officer, person employed in a facility containing library materials, merchant, or merchant’s employee, provided that the detention is for a reasonable length of time and that the search is conducted in a reasonable manner by a person of the same sex and according to subsection 2 of this section. 2. No search of the person under this section shall be conducted by any person other than someone acting under the direction of a peace officer except where permission of the one to be searched has first been obtained. 3. The detention or search under this section by a peace officer, person employed in a facility containing library materials, merchant, or merchant’s employee does not render the person liable, in a criminal or civil action, for false arrest or false imprisonment provided the person conducting the search or detention had reasonable grounds to believe the person detained or searched had concealed or was attempting to conceal property as set forth in section 711.3B or 714.5. [C62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, §709.22 – 709.24; C79, 81, §808.12] 2010 Acts, ch 1125, §3; 2019 Acts, ch 140, §5


714.5 Library materials and equipment — unpurchased merchandise — evidence of intention. 1. The fact that a person has concealed library materials or equipment as defined in section 702.22 or unpurchased property of a store or other mercantile establishment, either on the premises or outside the premises, is material evidence of intent to deprive the owner, and the finding of library materials or equipment or unpurchased property concealed upon the person or among the belongings of the person, is material evidence of intent to deprive and, if the person conceals or causes to be concealed library materials or equipment or unpurchased property, upon the person or among the belongings of another, the finding of the concealed materials, equipment or property is also material evidence of intent to deprive on the part of the person concealing the library materials, equipment or goods. 2. The fact that a person fails to return library materials for two months or more after the date the person agreed to return the library materials, or fails to return library equipment for one month or more after the date the person agreed to return the library equipment, is evidence of intent to deprive the owner, provided a reasonable attempt, including the mailing by restricted certified mail of notice that such material or equipment is overdue and criminal actions will be taken, has been made to reclaim the materials or equipment. Notices stating the provisions of this section and of section 808.12 with regard to library materials or equipment shall be posted in clear public view in all public libraries, in all libraries of educational, historical or charitable institutions, organizations or societies, in all museums and in all repositories of public records. 3. After the expiration of three days following the due date, the owner of borrowed library equipment may request the assistance of a dispute resolution center, mediation center or appropriate law enforcement agency in recovering the equipment from the borrower. 4. The owner of library equipment may require deposits by borrowers and in the case of late returns the owner may impose graduated penalties of up to twenty-five percent of the value of the equipment, based upon the lateness of the return. 5. In the case of lost library materials or equipment, arrangements may be made to make a monetary settlement. [C62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, §709.21; C79, 81, §714.5] 85 Acts, ch 187, §2; 87 Acts, ch 56, §1; 2016 Acts, ch 1011

1.1.36      Weeding Policy

The Bloomfield Public Library Board considers the removal as an essential and accepted part of the library collection development. It is necessary to weed our collections regularly. The CREW (Continuous Review, Evaluation, and Weeding) method of evaluation and weeding will be the authority used. This method gives general criteria for weeding an item from the library’s collection. They have been summarized in the acronym MUSTIE:

            M --- Misleading or factually inaccurate

             U --- Ugly, worn beyond mending or repairing

 S  --- Superceded, generally by a newer edition or by a much better book on the subject

             T --- Trivial, of no discernible literary or scientific merit

              I --- Irrelevant to the needs and interests of the Library’s community

             E --- Elsewhere or easily attainable from another library’s collection

The Library Director will be responsible for developing a continuous weeding program. Weeded materials will be disposed of by the Director subject to all relevant provisions of the Charter and Ordinances of the City of Bloomfield, and the State of Iowa. In general, weeded materials will be offered for sale to the public before they are discarded.

1.1.37      Unattended Children Policy


1.         All Children five years or younger shall, at all times, be attended and adequately supervised by a responsible person, e.g., an adult or a mature adolescent.

2.         Children who exceed 9 years of age maybe left unattended up to one half-hour in the library, except during scheduled programs. The person responsible for said child or children may be absent for the duration of the program. If that person intends to leave the library, he or she should notify a library staff member as to their expected whereabouts and time of or return. However, persons responsible for children who have special problems, related to physical or mental ability, disruptive behavior, emotional problems, lack of attention span, incomplete social skills, etc., shall remain with their children at all times.

3.         Children from the age of nine years and older may use library unattended, subject, of course to other rules and regulations established by the Bloomfield Public Library concerning behavior, conduct and demeanor.

4.         Children who use disruptive behavior in the library will be asked to discontinue it. If the behavior continues, the child will be asked to leave the library. If necessary, parents will be notified.

5.          Children who continually use disruptive behavior will be excluded from the library until resolved with the Library staff.


The Bloomfield Public Library assumes no responsibility for children left unattended on library premises.


1.1.38  Disaster Policy


1.      FIRE

A. Staff will not panic, but will not underestimate the potential danger to patrons or staff members on the grounds.  At the first indication of smoke or flame, staff will immediately call 911 and clear the building.

B. Staff will be familiar with type, location, and application of fire extinguishers in the building.

C. In case of fire, staff will quickly alert patrons in all areas possible and evacuate the building, keeping the patrons low to the ground.

2.                  HEALTH EMERGENCIES

A. Staff will call 911 immediately in the event of any serious problem.

B. Staff will exercise caution when administering first aid of even a minor nature because of the safety of the injured individual and the potential liability to the library staff member.

C. Without specialized training, staff is not advised to undertake any more than to keep the sick or injured patron comfortable and protected until medical help has arrived.

D. No medication, including aspirin, should EVER be dispensed to the public.

3.                  BOMB THREATS

A. Staff will keep the caller on the line as long as possible.  They will ask the caller to repeat the message and try to write down every word spoken by the caller.

B. If the caller does not indicate the location of the bomb or the time of possible detonation, the staff will ask for this information.

C. Staff will pay particular attention to peculiar background noises such as motors running, background music, and any other sounds which may indicate where the location from which the call is originating.

D. Staff will listen closely to the voice (male or female), voice quality (calm, excited), accents or speech impediments.

E. Staff will clear the building and call 911 once the call has ended.  The police will handle the actual bomb search.

4.                  TORNADO

A. At the sound of the siren or indication of severe weather, the staff will direct patrons to the downstairs hallway by the elevator and restrooms.

B. Adult patrons will not be held in the building against their will; however, all patrons under the age of 18 years old will be detained until the threat of dangerous weather passes.

C. A portable flashlight and radio will be taken to the lower level by the staff.

D. Patrons may leave the library building once the staff has determined that weather conditions have cleared. 

5.                  LIGHTNING

A. During heavy lightning and thunder storms all computers will be shut down and electrical connections will be pulled.

B. Landline telephones will not be used during a lightning storm and connections will be pulled.


1.1.39 Weather Closing Policy


To better align with current City of Bloomfield weather-related policies, as well as to maintain an open and positive relationship with the City, the Library Director will first consult with the Library Board President regarding a potential closing due to inclement weather. Upon consideration of this request to close for weather, the Board President will contact the Mayor with this decision if s/he believes this closure is in the best interests of the library and its patrons.



1.1.40  Public Health Emergency


In the event of a public health emergency, as dictated by the Iowa Department of Public Health and declared by the Governor of Iowa, Bloomfield Public Library will close until such time as the Board of Trustees can discuss and agree upon an appropriate course of action.